Music and Food

Last night Holly and I went to The Commodore Ballroom to partake of an evening of music. She had gotten tickets to see George Canyon play sometime back before we met or just as we met. It was a pretty good show overall. It wasn’t really my thing, but midway through the show Dave Gunning showed up and played a few songs, and that made the trip worth it. He sang a Christmas song in September, and that’s why I like Dave. Well, that and he tells great stories with his songs.

Before heading to the show we went to Earl’s for supper. The staff did a great job of making themselves look like they were mentally challenged. I can’t even decide what the best question they asked us was. Whether it was “Are you from around here?” or “Do you know how this works? (Where I can only assume the “this” is the restaurant). The restaurant is exactly one block from where I live, and I go there quite often. Yes, I know how a restaurant works: - I come and tell you I want food. - You give me said food. - I pay you for the meal. - I leave (hopefully without the feeling of hunger with which I entered).

Now I need to find the money, time and energy to make it to all of the other great shows coming up. The Tragically Hip are coming to town, The Killers, the Goo Goo Dolls and many more.

Updates and Upgrades

So, I decided to update the WordPress software tonight… or this morning depending on how you look at it. One of the handy-dandy things that it offers in the new version is the ability to import xml that is exported from LiveJournal. So I thought “Hey, why not give it a shot?”

It turns out it is stupid easy to do the export and import process. There is one drawback, and that is the fact that it doesn’t export and import the comments from the old entries. So, the complete history of my blog, minus comments, has been imported here. It’s really too bad about the comments.

The old journal will still be staying right where it is though for anyone who starts waxing nostalgic and can’t remember what they said in response to a post.


Bah, stupid getting older making it so I can’t sleep because my mind is filled with questions and thoughts. I still can’t believe I’m only two days away from turning 27… that’s two years past the quarter century mark for those who aren’t counting. On the plus side, it is 73 years under the century mark. See? Silver lining in everything :)

Have a good one my friends! (mes amis!) (mi amigos!) (mein freunds!) (feel free to leave more translations in the comments…)

Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed. - Vaclav Havel

Librarians in the Corn 2006

Saturday night I went along with Holly to what I eventually started calling “Librarians in the Corn”. It was a work event for her. So I got to go meet all of her library friends.

We all went to the Corn Maze. I guess the Corn Maze is a local tradition out here. There’s one farm that grows a crop of corn and then uses gps devices to carve out a maze in it (actually two mazes side by side). Then they charge eleven bucks a person for access to them.

There were ten of us. We went walking, marching, running through the maze. It was a good time. I believe that all of the rules were broken. We cut through the corn to other paths, we threw corn, we at one point left the corn field by accident. By the end of it we had gone through most of the 5km maze twice.

By the end of it all I was pretty exhausted, and later I would discover covered in dirt. How later? When I removed my socks I realized that my legs were brown instead of “in need of sun” white. It was kind of hilarious :)

It was a good weekend. Holly’s work friends are good people. I even have some things in common with them, although there weren’t any WoW players among the group from what I could tell.

Cabin Weekend

For the September long weekend Holly and I rented a cabin on Pitt Lake and headed out of the city leaving everything behind. All in all it was quite a good time, but we had our doubts about it being a good idea after we arrived.

So it all started out at the dock, as all island adventures do. The water was so low that they couldn’t even get us in to the “main” dock, so we had to trudge through some mud.

Now, we didn’t expct the dock to be next to the junk yard. This sight sort of gave us a little concern about what was in store for us this weekend.

As we were hiking into the cabin we saw this. This destroyed cabin gave us a little more hesitation.

Then we went past a cabin that didn’t look too bad and a little faith was restored. Not a lot though.

Then we encountered a set of steps out of nowhere. I mean, you should really always expect to see a flight of stairs out in the middle of the forest right?

At the top of the stops we at last saw our cabin and were quite a bit relieved that it wasn’t nearly as rundown as we had been worrying after seeing the other destroyed cabins and the junk yard.

A brief turn around the deck to see the view.

The inside looked not too bad. A futon on the left, a propane fridge and stove at the back, a table and sink to the right.

Then of course the eye is drawn upward along a blue cord with a wad of duct tape on the end and the railing seen above that.

So we approach the rabbit hole.

Find a ladder.

Unfurl it to it’s terrible creaky and wobbly length.

Then climb up it to find the terribly small and cramped second bed. “The Cabin Sleeps Four”? Hardly.

Oh, and how could I forget Jay? This is Jay.

Jay likes pistachios(Pistacia vera). (A brief aside. Pistachios are not actually nuts. They are fruit with an elongated seed.) Jay stole all kinds of our pistachios (okay, maybe we put some out for him). He even got his gang together and brought them along. The name of the gang would of course be the Jays :p

Now when we first saw the Jay I thought it might be a blue jay, but it didn’t look like any other blue jay I had seen. So, being me, I had to do some research. It turns out that Jay is actually a Steller’s Jay (which happens to be the provincial bird of British Columbia).

Here is a picture of Holly and I chilling on the deck.

How was everyone else’s long weekend?


In all my many years I have never really been a big supporter of the sun. It seems like every time I got out into the sun I get burned.

On Sunday we headed out to the local fair (Pacific National Exhibtion) and sure enough the sun was high and hot and it burned me. I was even diligent about ensuring that I had sun tan lotion on, but still, the big bad burn.

So now, my face is peeling. It has to be high on the list of worst parts of your anatomy to peel. You can’t hide it under clothing. It’s just out there for the world to see.

Now, you would think that I would learn my lesson and just hang around the house, or only go out for short periods of time this weekend, but no, I’m going out camping (if all goes well). While I’m out I think I’ll just paint my face with thick globs of sun tan lotion, since apparently working it into the skin, at least mine, doesn’t seem to protect it.

Other than that life is great. It feels kind of strange to be so happy for so long, but in a really good way :)