01 Nov 2006
Today was that day. That day that always seems to happen no matter where I go. That day, where I’m right, my boss is wrong, and we begin to endlessly bump heads (admittedly, we’ve been bumping heads for a while already).
It drives me absolutely crazy when I have a plan of action to really, I mean REALLY, improve our game and I get shutdown at every turn and told to fix things that aren’t broken or clean up other people’s messes. I do enough cleaning up after other people when I’m just waiting for builds to finish.
We could get our reviews higher, please the public more, have a better game and sell more units, but that doesn’t seem to be the goal here. We could be at the very edge of technology, I mean that is why I took this job, but it doesn’t appear we will.
I’ve been very concerned ever since my last boss essentially retired. Now, it seems those concerns were warranted. Which, as it stands, really, really sucks.
I used to have the coolest job in the world. Right now, it just feels like a job. If all I wanted was to just do a “job” there are lots of other opportunities out there with bigger paychecks and less overtime.
I have always wanted that elusive job that you love to do though. It has pushed me from place to place all the way across the country. I found it. I had it. Now… it seems to have left.
So what do you do when the dream gets up and walks away?
26 Oct 2006
Name. Iris. Let Love In. The Goo Goo Dolls have some great songs, and I’m going to go see them live next month :) The day after that I’m going to go see The Tragically Hip. Let the music flow.
The music “scene” is weird here in Vancouver. There is a lot less music than you will find in say, Montreal. However, a lot more of the better known bands play in Vancouver. It seems that there is a lot more punk and alternative music that comes out of Vancouver, but there is more rock that comes out of Montreal.
Interestingly enough, and completely unrelated, the Hell’s Angels’ presence is equally strong in both cities.
The homeless presence is much more prevalent in Vancouver. Of course, it’s much warmer out here than in Montreal. I’ve been told that as winter approaches the homeless from Montreal will migrate out this way. I’ve also heard rumours that as the olympics approach that the homeless will be pushed out of the downtown area. Maybe they’ll put up a wall around Hastings and Main..?
I hear just as much english spoken out on the street in Vancouver as I heard in Montreal, that means very little. The difference is that in Montreal it was almost always French that I heard. Out here there a dozen major Asian and South-East Asian dialects floating around.
Well, I think I’m all out of completely random thoughts for the moment. Happy Nearly Halloween Everyone!
18 Oct 2006
I think it’s that time. That time to relegate World of Warcraft completely to the background. I’ve missed almost two full years of other games at this point. I’ve let it dictate far too much for far too long.
I saw this blog post about WoW today and saw far too much of myself and my guild in it. I can’t even begin to count how many times since I have started playing that friends have asked me to go do something and I’ve said “Sorry I can’t. I’ve got a raid tonight.” And well… that’s just wrong.
If it was just one night a week, it wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s a four nights a week ordeal.
Plus, since moving out here to Vancouver life just seems busier. I have so many friends out here that it almost seems a little ridiculous at times. And of course, now there is Holly, with whom I would spend every waking moment if I could.
I’m sure something else will take the place of WoW. Hopefully it will be a little less rigidly scheduled though, or just take less time period. Something more casual.
Maybe it could be making root beer, or birch beer (which is kind of like drinking peppermints), like I’ve been reading up on. The point is, there are a million things out there that I could be doing.
13 Oct 2006
Well, I’m back from my trip home for Thanksgiving. It all seemed to go really well. I think everyone likes Holly. Which is really good news :)
It was great to see the family. The food was fantastic! The scenery was much nicer than I remember, which I guess is how it always is.
The Tim Horton’s was much better back east as well. I’m not sure what they put in it, but mmm, mmm, good!
I got to see my nephew who I haven’t seen since last Christmas. He sure has grown up a lot.
I was amazed at the differences in property values between the east coast and the west coast. Out on the east coast something I could get for 75k is probably worth 500k+ out here. It seems a little ridiculous really. All of the property values out here really make me wonder sometimes…
This morning I went to the bank and talked a few things over with them. It sure did take a long time. I think I’m going to consolidate all of my various student loans into a single loan that I can pay back at my own pace (which should be significantly faster than with student loans).
Oh, and one last thing, I finally got to try Papa Jonh’s Pizza. It is quite simply fantastic. It is the best pizza I have ever had, and when I say that it carries a certain amount of authority with it. They even have garlic cheese fingers, but instead of being the patented “swimming in grease” of Pizza Delight, they are just perfect.
Other than that, I’m in love and life is grand :)
02 Oct 2006
Mere days and I will be leaving on a jet plane to the far off east. No, not Asia. Asia is actually the near west where I live.
Thanksgiving back home with the family. It should be a good trip. Holly will finally get to meet my family and they will finally get to meet her.
If only there was a way to skip the flight. I hate being stuck in a seat with nowhere to go and not much to do for endless hours. Wandering around airports during layovers sucks too. Especially at Pearson, which has to be the world’s most boring airport.
If I haven’t finished Phantom by then, then at least I’ll get a chance to do just that. Although I only have a couple hundred pages left and Friday is mighty far away at this point.
Perhaps my shiny new 80Gb iPod Video will be able to whisk away the hours as I watch some of my favourite movies. Maybe the music will be able to lull me into a state of slumbering goodness. If all else fails… Gravol and warm milk! (blech)