11 Jul 2006
Holly spoils me so wonderfully. Today for breakfast, before I had to head off to work, she made me french toast from sourdough bread and an amazing cup of cocoa to go with it. Then she sent me off to work with a box of Girl Guide cookies.
You just have to love the perks of dating a Girl Guide leader :)
08 Jul 2006
So dinner was wonderful. I was very late, but it was still very wonderful. Work crept up on me as it has a tendency to do. The proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan at the proverbial wrong moment.
Holly said she understood, but I still felt bad. I mean, it was the first dinner she ever cooked for me and I was late.
To go with the amazing chicken were roast vegetables (carrots, celery, parsnip), microwaved corn on the cob (really, really good), green bean casserole, rolls and gravy. I washed it all down with chocolate milk and a Heineken. Kisses for dessert.
Needless to say, it was all amazing and I hope there are many more dinners in our future.
06 Jul 2006
I’m really looking forward to tomorrow night. Holly is cooking a roast chicken dinner for us :)
It will be my first home cooked meal in months.
Plus, neither of us really like potatoes; so no pesky potatoes!
03 Jul 2006
Friday night Holly took me out to this place called Deas Island Park. We walked the trails for a little while and then found a few suitable rocks along the water to settle down and have our supper on. I had my first burger from White Spot. Holly bought me a “Pirate Pack” (a picture of pirate ship will make an appearance eventually) from there. She says that makes me a British Columbian now :)
We sat there on the rocks talking until the sun started to set and the park was about to close. We were going to go see a movie, but we got there too late and settled for coffee, hot chocolate and conversation at a nearby Tim’s.
On Canada Day I invited her over to hang out with my friends and I. We all went to this crazy little place called Guu for supper. The entire staff that works there yells hello, goodbye and thank you. I tried some Edamame (soy beans), some Sake, and some deep fried pork with sweet miso sauce. It was very good.
I bought a PS2 and two Guitar Hero controllers and we all rocked out with our new band called “Canada Day”. Holly is a big hit. Everyone likes her. We finished the night with everyone falling asleep about three hours into “An Evening with Kevin Smith.”
Sunday, Holly came back into the city again and we went to the beach for the afternoon with some friends. Again, she was a hit with everyone. She’s just so lovable :)
After the beach we walked back to my place (quite a hike when you go the wrong way…) and watched Wedding Crashers on TV. It was hilarious, but I was pretty worn out from the day and not getting much sleep the night before. I almost fell asleep, but I wanted to spend as much time with Holly as I could before she headed home.
Now, it’s a holiday Monday and I’m at work. Bored, but still content. Mulling over what to make the subtitle of my blog, as the current one doesn’t seem to fit anymore.
It’s also my Sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday Jody!
29 Jun 2006
Last night was a great night. Holly and I went out for the first time.
We started out with a safari through chapters (I got lost three times finding my way there…). We met on the grassy plains of Young Adult fiction. Brushed along the fences keeping the untamed Fantasy creatures from getting out. Wandered through the misty rocks of Mystery. Spent some time in the Cook Book petting zoo.
Since the safari seemed to be going well we opted to head out for dinner. I had the fettucini alfredo, she had the crispy chicken salad; but really it was just an excuse to go sit somewhere and talk. She tells wonderful stories.
After dinner we decided that we should go do something else. A movie was out of the question, because I wanted to do something where we could keep talking. So we went for a nice long drive. She took me out to a place called Crescent Beach. We walked along the beach for a while. Walked and hopped along some drift wood logs. Settled on a bench and talked watching the sun paint the sky a deep red as it sank into the horizon.
All I can say is that she is wonderful and amazing. Now I have to wait all the way until Friday to see her again… or well, maybe tonight.