So long, and thanks for all the fish?
18 Oct 2006I think it’s that time. That time to relegate World of Warcraft completely to the background. I’ve missed almost two full years of other games at this point. I’ve let it dictate far too much for far too long.
I saw this blog post about WoW today and saw far too much of myself and my guild in it. I can’t even begin to count how many times since I have started playing that friends have asked me to go do something and I’ve said “Sorry I can’t. I’ve got a raid tonight.” And well… that’s just wrong.
If it was just one night a week, it wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s a four nights a week ordeal.
Plus, since moving out here to Vancouver life just seems busier. I have so many friends out here that it almost seems a little ridiculous at times. And of course, now there is Holly, with whom I would spend every waking moment if I could.
I’m sure something else will take the place of WoW. Hopefully it will be a little less rigidly scheduled though, or just take less time period. Something more casual.
Maybe it could be making root beer, or birch beer (which is kind of like drinking peppermints), like I’ve been reading up on. The point is, there are a million things out there that I could be doing.