What A Busy Weekend
23 Apr 2007This past Saturday all of the big furniture finally got moved to the new place. The movers were an interesting pair. Quite odd fellows you might say. When the people downtown saw them, they were worried the movers would try and mug them.
I wish I could say that everything got moved without incident, but that would be a lie. The moving truck’s battery died at my old place in Vancouver so they were a couple of hours late getting to the new place. Now this was really unfortunate, because Holly had made sure to get the guy coming to pick up my old couch and freezer and a few of her bookshelves to be there at noon (when the movers were supposed to be there).
After the movers had dropped everything off we headed out in search of computer desks. We didn’t find any desks yet, but we did find a chair that Holly likes. I have a hard time finding good chairs. For the moment I’m going to stick with my lawn chair until I find the “right” chair.
Then we headed out for a pub night with Holly’s co-workers. It’s amazing the strange things that can happen and be talked about when you get a group of librarians together. The food was good. The company was great. The hockey game sucked. I’m hoping Vancouver will pick it up tonight and beat Dallas out of the playoffs. I also hope that they don’t end up playing Detroit next round. I’d prefer not to have my team knockout Holly’s team, or vice-versa.
Sunday we got up too early and headed in to my apartment in Vancouver to meet the cleaners. While they cleaned we headed out for some breakfast. I was hoping that Le Gerard would be open for brunch, but alas they were not. So we ended up at Denny’s where I at a hojillion too many pancakes!
On the way home we stopped off at a pet store and we walked out with a pet. The kitten picked us, I swear. Once he got into my arms he went out like a light. A deep sleeping purring machine. I fell in love with him instantly. His name is Leonidas! (Leo for short).
Originally I wanted to name my first born son Leonidas (it’s a great name), but Holly wouldn’t have any of that. So she invoked the rule that you can’t name children after pets, and we got little Leonidas.
So we now have Max(imus) and Leo(nidas).
Max has been having a bit of a rough time lately, and he isn’t quite sure what to make of Leo yet. Max has had a bunch of his furniture moved out. A bunch of new furniture moved in. Plus, now I’m there a lot more often too. So when we brought Leo home he was a little distraught.
After a little hissing and a lot of growling he seems to be coming to terms with Leo. Afterall, we got Leo because Max seemed lonely so we wanted to get him a buddy to play with. This morning Max was chasing Leo all over the house. Leo thought that this was great fun! A wonderful game! We’re not so sure that Max thought it was a game though. Time will tell.
Leo, is a kitten without fear. He leaps and bounds and dives off of things without a care in the world. He loves to chew on cords, this needs work. Hopefully he will grow up to be a Spartan of a cat like his namesake before him.