My Life in Boxes
11 Apr 2007It is truly a strange thing, at the very least for me if not for everyone else, to see my physical world packed away into boxes. It can be quite distressing. Half of me thinks Oh my God! Is that all I have? while the other half thinks Dear Lord! Where the Hell did all of that come from?
You see, that photo above is essentially everything that I own. From clothes, to computers, to game consoles to books to, well, like I said; essentially everything.
Some of the things I threw out were a little hard to let go of, but for purely sentimental reasons. I seem to be becoming more and more of a sentimental person as I get older. I still hung on to a few things for no other reason than sentimentality. Realistically, what are the odds that I’m going to use my old baseball glove again? It doesn’t even fit anymore.
I realized that the root of my attachment to my faux suede sofa was that it was the first major piece of furniture that I ever bought. It wasn’t because it was the most comfortable couch in the world; which it isn’t. It wasn’t because it was my favourite colour; which it was. It was because it was the first non-computer major purchase that I had ever really made in my life.
And yet, even after a realizing all of this as I was getting rid of things, I still prefer to see it all go to a new home than to be recycled or junked. People at work have spoken for my old computer monitor and my couch so far. I’m still not sure if we’re going to try and keep my little freezer or get rid of it. We were thinking we might use it as a fridge if we could turn it all the way down and still not freeze pop. I haven’t started the experiment yet though.
I do have to say that a freezer could very well make the best pop fridge in the world. If you could get it right and the pop was absolutely as cold as it could be without freezing. Mmmm, mmmm, good!
In the end it felt good to finally have all of those boxes moved over to Holly’s place, or as I’m starting to call it “Our” place. It will take a little while to get used to saying that, but I like it :) All that is left is the big furniture. The big furniture consist of anything that wouldn’t fit in her car, which is about 1000x times bigger on the inside than it looks. We managed to move my apartment in three trips I think it was. There is probably another half one pending, but that’s still pretty amazing.
You can read about the details of the move in her blog. Her blog is a much funnier and better account of it all than I was going to do :)
I was thinking about perma-linking her blog in my links section, but then I was afraid she might link mine and that eventually her Mother would find all of the things I’ve said about her cooking >.> <.< So those of you who like it had better book mark it!
On a final note, the NHL Playoffs start tonight. You had best get yourself to a TV and settle in with a beer soon! There is nothing else like the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Go Wings! Go!