The F Word (No, not that one :p)

So today is the 8th of January, 2007. After a dinner with Holly’s parents last night it is finally allowed to be common knowledge extending beyond family. Holly is my fiancé, and I am hers. We got engaged on the first day of this promising year :)

We are tentatively looking at a wedding date for September 2008. Some might think that this very long engagement is a sign of there being a lack of faith in our relationship or in our comittment to eachother. That however would be about as far from the truth as they could get.

Put simply, we would get married today if we could. Financially though, we just can’t afford the wedding this year. We have already planned out how to spend most of the money we will make this year. We’re moving in together this year. Before that happens though we are making some changes to her condo. We are reflooring, repainting, and doing a little refurnishing most likely as well. I am also most likely going to finally get myself a vehicle. On top of that some of our most important guests at the wedding have to travel 6000+ kms and we want to give them some time to ensure that they can afford the trip and make it on their own terms.

Coupled with all of the above is that I still don’t know of many areas around here where I would want to have the wedding. So we are going to spend the Spring and Summer checking out the various parks and little out of the way places where we could have an outdoor wedding.

One of my best friends and his wife were engaged for three and a half years and it worked out great for them. He said that they felt married as soon as they got engaged and I feel the same way about Holly. I think that might be one of the secrets of success.

I’m so happy with Holly that words can’t really do the feeling justice :)