Judges and Their Trees
22 Dec 2006This post has been rated “R” for strong language, scenes of violence and brief nudity (okay, no nudity).
I have to say that this whole thing with the Christmas Tree being banned from the courtroom because it makes some people feel uncomfortable (Article) is a very sad turn of events. Initially I thought it was a joke, but then more and more news sourced reported it. Initially I let it roll off my back, but the more I think about, the more I can only see it as a gross misunderstanding of multiculturalism and immigration in general.
When people immigrate to places they bring their own beliefs and ideas. We as Canadians accept this. I would go so far as to say that we embrace this. However, when you immigrate to somewhere I believe that there is an unwritten acceptance of the rules and customs of your new country.
When you move to a new country bringing all of your beliefs and your culture with you, you are supposed to be enriching the destination culture with the presence of your own. If you are unhappy with the way the culture is where you are going, then don’t go there. Pick somewhere else.
There isn’t even a religous overtone to Christmas trees. It’s just a tradition that is celebrated in several places around the world. It is just something wintery and wonderful because it reminds you of the holiday season. I personally doubt that most Canadians even really consider Christmas to be a religous holiday.
When the Christmas tree was first being introduced even the Christians, who seem to be tied to the modern collective conciousness of the Christmas tree, were not in favour of it. They felt that it distracted from the work of God.
Utlimately I have to say that if a fucking Christmas tree makes you feel fucking uncomfortable then you have bigger fucking issues!
And did anyone even stop to think that the presence of the tree which might be making 1% of the people feel uncomfortable is making the other 99% happier and cheerier than normal?
GG Judge Cohen. GG.