It Sure Has Been a While
21 Dec 2006Well, I sure haven’t updated in a while. It hasn’t been because there isn’t anything to update, but rather that there is too much.
My friend Derek and his girlfriend moved out here last week. Everyone always said that he’d never leave HB or small town Nova Scotia, but I knew better. So since I moved out here I’ve had four friends follow, and the ex-HB head count is up to ten (I’m pretty sure that’s all of us… so many it’s hard to keep track). That count doesn’t include Jay either. We both stopped at Ubisoft on the way out of HB. I ended up in Vancouver and he ended up in Australia.
So what have I been up to? Christmas shopping for everyone has been the biggest time sink. I’ve never had a girlfriend at Christmas before, and so I’ve never gone through this type of shopping (which reminds me, I still need to get stocking stuffers). I think I’ve been doing an okay job at it, but I guess I won’t really know until after Christmas is over.
There has been a lot of brunching and drinking lately. I had to make the rounds to all of the weekly events (that I don’t always go too) to say my Merry Christmas’.
I normally have a brunch on Saturdays, a different brunch on Sundays, dinner on Sundays, and movie night on Mondays. Honestly, it’s just too exhausting. I both love and hate rigidly scheduled weekly events. It is nice to know that there is a group of friends doing something every X day at Y time. It stops being so much fun though when you start feeling obligated to go and there are other things that you want to do. Even if it were just one event a week scheduled it wouldn’t be so bad, but to have so many, it eats up your weekend and other time too.
Quite often Holly and I like to go away for the weekend, or go to the movies, or not eat the same thing over and over that you have to eat at one of these rigidly planned events. Essentially, we like to live a little. I mean, it’s awesome to see your friends so much, but it’s also nice to do new things.
I’m trying to convince everyone that we should do a once a month get together somewhere. We could invite everyone from all of the various events and everyone could meet everyone and hang out together. Plus, once a month is easier to schedule for than several times a week.
Completely unrelated to everything else, tonight a few of the
I’m looking forward to geeking out with them and talking about all of the intricacies of World of Warcraft. There are a couple of people at work I can talk to about WoW, but most of them stopped playing long ago. I stopped too, but only temporarily. Soon there will be a return to WoW made and hopefully it will be a triumphant one.</chaos>