Music and Food

Last night Holly and I went to The Commodore Ballroom to partake of an evening of music. She had gotten tickets to see George Canyon play sometime back before we met or just as we met. It was a pretty good show overall. It wasn’t really my thing, but midway through the show Dave Gunning showed up and played a few songs, and that made the trip worth it. He sang a Christmas song in September, and that’s why I like Dave. Well, that and he tells great stories with his songs.

Before heading to the show we went to Earl’s for supper. The staff did a great job of making themselves look like they were mentally challenged. I can’t even decide what the best question they asked us was. Whether it was “Are you from around here?” or “Do you know how this works? (Where I can only assume the “this” is the restaurant). The restaurant is exactly one block from where I live, and I go there quite often. Yes, I know how a restaurant works: - I come and tell you I want food. - You give me said food. - I pay you for the meal. - I leave (hopefully without the feeling of hunger with which I entered).

Now I need to find the money, time and energy to make it to all of the other great shows coming up. The Tragically Hip are coming to town, The Killers, the Goo Goo Dolls and many more.