Updates and Upgrades

So, I decided to update the WordPress software tonight… or this morning depending on how you look at it. One of the handy-dandy things that it offers in the new version is the ability to import xml that is exported from LiveJournal. So I thought “Hey, why not give it a shot?”

It turns out it is stupid easy to do the export and import process. There is one drawback, and that is the fact that it doesn’t export and import the comments from the old entries. So, the complete history of my blog, minus comments, has been imported here. It’s really too bad about the comments.

The old journal will still be staying right where it is though for anyone who starts waxing nostalgic and can’t remember what they said in response to a post.


Bah, stupid getting older making it so I can’t sleep because my mind is filled with questions and thoughts. I still can’t believe I’m only two days away from turning 27… that’s two years past the quarter century mark for those who aren’t counting. On the plus side, it is 73 years under the century mark. See? Silver lining in everything :)

Have a good one my friends! (mes amis!) (mi amigos!) (mein freunds!) (feel free to leave more translations in the comments…)

Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed. - Vaclav Havel