Librarians in the Corn 2006

Saturday night I went along with Holly to what I eventually started calling “Librarians in the Corn”. It was a work event for her. So I got to go meet all of her library friends.

We all went to the Corn Maze. I guess the Corn Maze is a local tradition out here. There’s one farm that grows a crop of corn and then uses gps devices to carve out a maze in it (actually two mazes side by side). Then they charge eleven bucks a person for access to them.

There were ten of us. We went walking, marching, running through the maze. It was a good time. I believe that all of the rules were broken. We cut through the corn to other paths, we threw corn, we at one point left the corn field by accident. By the end of it we had gone through most of the 5km maze twice.

By the end of it all I was pretty exhausted, and later I would discover covered in dirt. How later? When I removed my socks I realized that my legs were brown instead of “in need of sun” white. It was kind of hilarious :)

It was a good weekend. Holly’s work friends are good people. I even have some things in common with them, although there weren’t any WoW players among the group from what I could tell.