30 Aug 2006In all my many years I have never really been a big supporter of the sun. It seems like every time I got out into the sun I get burned.
On Sunday we headed out to the local fair (Pacific National Exhibtion) and sure enough the sun was high and hot and it burned me. I was even diligent about ensuring that I had sun tan lotion on, but still, the big bad burn.
So now, my face is peeling. It has to be high on the list of worst parts of your anatomy to peel. You can’t hide it under clothing. It’s just out there for the world to see.
Now, you would think that I would learn my lesson and just hang around the house, or only go out for short periods of time this weekend, but no, I’m going out camping (if all goes well). While I’m out I think I’ll just paint my face with thick globs of sun tan lotion, since apparently working it into the skin, at least mine, doesn’t seem to protect it.
Other than that life is great. It feels kind of strange to be so happy for so long, but in a really good way :)