
Yesterday was just a wonderful day. They really don’t get much better.

Holly and I woke up relatively early. We lazed around for a while. She cooked up yet another wonderful breakfast of hashbrowns and turkey sausage. It is always so nice to start the day with home made breakfast.

We headed out to Pitt Lake to do some canoeing. Along the way we went past the library where she works and then she showed me the highlights of the little town that it is in.

When we finally arrived at the lake we rented a canoe, “The Mighty” Ashley, and headed out on the water. It was quite a slow and meandering journey up to the hiking trail. It took us just about two hours. Holly started to get frustrated and upset at our progress until she saw how humorous I found it all to be. I just couldn’t help but laugh at it all. There we were, two experienced canoers, unable to steer. Haha.

The scenery was amazing. Canoeing along the bases of the mountains was breathtaking. Although, I don’t really care for tiny little 16 foot canoes…

Once we finally got to the hiking trail we went for a short walk. Just about an hour. We wanted to be sure to be back in time to return the canoe before the shop closed. On the way back we decided to switch things up and I took the back seat in the canoe. Things went much more smoothly. I assume we just had a poor weight distribution when I was in the front. Holly claims I’m just a stronger paddler.

So we made it back in about 30 minutes. We weren’t sure what to do with all of that extra time so we did the best possible thing, we stopped for ice cream at Dairy Queen. In no time at all we were back at her place sitting out on her balcony, taking in her very own great view of the mountains, and eating ice cream.

After a quick shower we headed out to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Deadman’s Chest. It was the second time for me, but Holly gets so into movies that it was even more fun for the me the second time. She was jumping around in her seat and even let out a scream or two at some of the scarier parts of the movie.

We capped the evening with a side trip to Boston Pizza for dinner. I highly recommend the Cactus Nachos.

We definitely need to go canoeing again. At the end of the hiking trail there is a camping spot (about a 5km walk). We’re going to go camp out for a weekend sometime. Although the next big adventure will probably be when we go on vacation in August. We are still trying to decide when (mostly influenced by my work schedule) and where.

The crashed wooden plane (okay, so it is just a pile of logs…)

“The Mighty” Ashley