A Great Weekend

Friday night Holly took me out to this place called Deas Island Park. We walked the trails for a little while and then found a few suitable rocks along the water to settle down and have our supper on. I had my first burger from White Spot. Holly bought me a “Pirate Pack” (a picture of pirate ship will make an appearance eventually) from there. She says that makes me a British Columbian now :)

We sat there on the rocks talking until the sun started to set and the park was about to close. We were going to go see a movie, but we got there too late and settled for coffee, hot chocolate and conversation at a nearby Tim’s.

On Canada Day I invited her over to hang out with my friends and I. We all went to this crazy little place called Guu for supper. The entire staff that works there yells hello, goodbye and thank you. I tried some Edamame (soy beans), some Sake, and some deep fried pork with sweet miso sauce. It was very good.

I bought a PS2 and two Guitar Hero controllers and we all rocked out with our new band called “Canada Day”. Holly is a big hit. Everyone likes her. We finished the night with everyone falling asleep about three hours into “An Evening with Kevin Smith.”

Sunday, Holly came back into the city again and we went to the beach for the afternoon with some friends. Again, she was a hit with everyone. She’s just so lovable :)

After the beach we walked back to my place (quite a hike when you go the wrong way…) and watched Wedding Crashers on TV. It was hilarious, but I was pretty worn out from the day and not getting much sleep the night before. I almost fell asleep, but I wanted to spend as much time with Holly as I could before she headed home.

Now, it’s a holiday Monday and I’m at work. Bored, but still content. Mulling over what to make the subtitle of my blog, as the current one doesn’t seem to fit anymore.

It’s also my Sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday Jody!