Life Equation
31 May 2006Working a lot + Not sleeping much + Very little gaming = Where the hell is the weekend?
I don’t really mind the working so much. Any time work ever seems to be too much I just think about how I used to have to work. That’s called “Putting things in perspective.”
Hell, I got up this morning, and started working before I had breakfast. I just needed to solve the puzzle before I could start the day. I’m a puzzler. The miniscule amount of sleep helped me figure it all out.
Basically, the STL has some really slow algorithms. So I by thinking about it and messing around a bit with a few ideas I sped up a critical path in the code by a bajillion percent. It went from sometimes taking up to 41% of a frame, to about 0.35%. That’s what I call progress.
Tomorrow, or tonight after I get home, it’s time to get those loading times down. I have a plan as they say. A plan to take over the world! Well okay, maybe not to take over the world, but to put the files in order… oh yes, to put the files in order.
Time for some brain dead time on the bus now.
Night all.