Christmas->Unchristmas->And Beyond
11 Jan 2008Apparently I haven’t blogged in a while.
Well, it is now Friday and I’m still pretty much asleep so I’ll do this while I wake up.
Christmas was fantastic. I had a great time going back to see my family!
Unchristmas, which followed, was also fantastic. I got so much that I couldn’t even begin to list it all. The Zune was a complete shock. I can’t even imagine what the look on my face must have been when I was rooting through my new laptop bag and found that!
This past week we have been getting up crazy early. You see, we were given notice that there was going to be construction going on that would block off the driveway to our building. Supposedly it would be starting at 7 am, so we had to be out of the house by 7 am.
We set the alarms for 5:15 am and tried our best to make it out by 7 am. The first day we did great. We were out of the house by 6:30 am and went for breakfast. Breakfast was mostly unsuccessful for me. For some reason I just couldn’t get the omlette down. I still say that it was just too god damned early for my tastebuds and my stomach.
The second day was a little rougher. We made it out about 7:05am. No construction crew in sight.
Today, the third day, we slept in. Holly got up at 6:30 am and called the construction foreman who informed her that they wouldn’t actually be blocking off the entire driveway when they finally got around to doing the work. Back to sleep we went. I slept in until 8:15am. It was glorious.
As a side effect of this I have learned some interesting things about traffic while trying the commute at different times this week.
Day of Week | Time Leaving Home | Time Arriving at Work | Total Time |
Average Previous Day | 8:00-8:15am | 9:30am | 75-90 minutes |
Wednesday | 7:30am | 8:50am | 80 minutes |
Thursday | 7:10am | 8:50am | 100 minutes |
Friday | 8:45am | 9:30am | 45 minutes |
So what I’ve learned here is that the longer I procrastinate, the faster I get to work. That’s a great life lesson.
Interestingly the commute home gets shorter at the same rate as the commute to work. To the point that if I leave at 6pm, I get home at the same time as if I had left at 5pm. I essentially get home at the same time, no matter when I leave. It is a twilight zone-esque situation.
Other than that the only news is that I have officially started what I call “The Atkins”. I look forward to my reunion with carbohydrates.